Sunday, July 1, 2007

Time for a Quick Update

Jessica and Kami have been here one week and I already know that the next two years (while they are in Korea) will go by too slowly and Kami will grow too quickly into a darling little girl and we will miss these last months of babyhood. Spence and Nancy and the kids came for dinner tonight and we had a little birthday celebration for Kami's first birthday (Jessica made cupcakes in ice cream cones...real cute and great for the little ones to carry around while they ate). We have been watching Curtis and Annie's three little ones the past few days and will have them here tomorrow and probably on Tuesday. Annie is in the hospital and had to have surgery (she is pregnant, but the surgery had nothing to do with the pregnancy and the baby is fine) she should be home on Tuesday or Wednesday. The kids are darling and so easy to care for, but I'm glad Jessica is here to help (I don't know how I did this...guess I was just much younger and had more energy). Brooklyn is 3, Hunter is 2 and Madison is just 9 months (the new baby will make their family much like ours when our oldest 4 were little). Anyway, I'm glad I have lots of toys and even some for outside (toddler swing, wagon and plastic pool) we're running things pretty much like a daycare center (lots of diaper changes, snacks, etc.) and as you can guess, we haven't had time to do much more...Oh, yes, we have taken Don to archery and to get an MRI on his neck and to the podiatrist. Don has sanded, stained and hung two new doors (one more to go) they look really nice...he matched the cabinet stain really well. I think this is the last of the house projects until fall when I may paint my bedroom if I can get things put away so I can move around in there. I'm still planning to help sort out the things in the garage and donate much of what we don't need/want to the Zion's Market (free rummage event) that our ward has twice a year (next one is in August). We will be going to Cedar City the weekend of July 20th...I'll attend the homeowner's meeting with Mom to help her express her concerns about some proposed changes/charges, and Jessica will be attending her high school reunion at Cedar High. Well, this is pretty "newsy" (not very creative) but I'd better get to bed and get some sleep before the morning brings 3 active kids and not a chance for a nap (actually, I fell asleep in the rocking chair with Madison in my arms the other day and we napped together for about an hour).

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