Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dad Update

I took Dad to the U of U Neurosurgery clinic Friday (they finally decided to give us an appointment); they took x-rays of his neck and we had the CT scan from Salt Lake Regional Hospital. The Dr. was very nice; examined Dad and looked at the scans and x-rays then said "I just wish we had an MRI we could see the soft tissue on that." I was astounded! "You have an MRI!" I said, "I have a copy of the report and asked the receptionist if I should bring it with us. She said that wouldn't be necessary since the MRI was done at the U hospital in June." The Dr. left the room and came back about 15 minutes later..."You're right!" he said, "and now I can see exactly what is wrong." I thought, "It's about time. This poor man has suffered for 3 months or more and you've had the means to diagnose his problem since June." Ten minutes later, the Dr. had given Dad two shots in his neck and he has been pain free since. Evidently when he fell last May, he created two ruptured discs...we hope the shots will take care of the problem and give him relief for several months at option is to put the medication directly into the affected area under anesthsia...last option is surgery (Dad isn't to keen on that.) I was awakened about 5:30 am this morning by a very loud thud...I jumped out of bed and found Dad had fallen while trying to get to the bathroom. He fell in a sitting position and didn't hurt himself but he decided socks on the hardwood floor isn't a great traction. Whew! we were lucky this time and told him to call me when he needs to get up at night from now on...I think when we move to the apartment I will keep the twin trundle-bed for me (just get a better mattress) and we will put Dad's hospital bed in the master bedroom with the trundle bed so I can be right there if he needs me. We will use the Den for a den/sewing/scapbooking/etc. room. We went to the Sugar House Ward today and the people there are very nice/friendly and excited to have us move in...just hope the house sells quickly so we can get on with this plan.

1 comment:

KristAnne said...

I'm glad everything is getting figured out for grandpa. Both of you have been on mind the past couple of months but I too have been extremely busy with finishing school and working. I got your present today... thanks i need good reading on my downtime :-). Love you both, your both in thouch im starting one of these so you can be updated on my life as well :-) Take care
-Kristen Anne