Monday, April 21, 2008

Visits with Aaron, Spencer and the Pope

This has been quite a week for visitors: first, Aaron had to make a quick business trip to Salt Lake and we were blessed with two visits with him (Wed. and Thurs.)...I loved his comments..."I can't believe I'm getting married!" and "I know why you should plan your wedding together; it's to see how the marriage will be."...I remember John Bytheway saying that if you want to know if she's the right girl, take her on a picnic date up Provo Canyon; hike in and let her carry the picnic basket, or better yet, forget to tell her she's the one that is supposed to bring the lunch. (We all know how long it took John to find the "right girl"!) Anyway we had a fun visit and it was good to see him so happy. We love Chrys!! Next, I was busy putting the binding on the quilt I made for Aaron and Chrys, so I was plopped in front of the TV for a couple of days...I watched Mass twice and Pope Benedict's visit with the young people and seminarians once...I gained such an appreciation for how much we have in common and how the Spirit of Christ shines forth. I loved the greetings of peace to your neighbors as part of the Mass and the "Hear Our Prayer" part of the litergy. I was especially impressed with the Pope's message to the young people and I even printed it out off the could have been given at conference to our LDS youth by the prophet...truely, we share much more than what separates us. The Pope is such a humble man and reminded me a bit of President Hinckley. Today, (Sunday) Dad gave a talk at sacrament meeting and then we went to Spence and Nancy's for dinner (grilled salmon...yummm); Josh was working on a requirement for Cub Scouts, so Spence was teaching him how to grill the fish (last time I was at their house Josh was learning to cook bacon and eggs). Spence is home for three days, then leaves for Kuwait (he'll get one 2 week leave sometime before they come home next January...we willl miss him and pray for his safety and Nancy and the kids' wellbeing). Dad has three physical therapy appointments Monday and Tuesday this week, then on Wed. we will drive to Cedar City to pick up Grandma so she can fly with us to Seattle for the wedding. Busy days ahead, hope we all survive the activity.

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