Saturday, June 9, 2007

A Debt of Gratitude

I arrived home from Oklahoma City late last night with Jess and Drew's cat, Callie. I will be "cat-sitting" for the next two years while they are in So. Korea. I can't tell you how grateful I am that Mindy was able and willing to hop on a plane and be here with Dad after his crisis on Monday night. THANKS, MINDY! She spent all day yesterday at the University of Utah Med. Center with him while doctors tried to relieve his pain and figure out what is causing it. Dad is on some pretty heavy duty pain killers and is sleeping a lot and is pretty "loopy"at times (he says "pieces are missing") and he can't remember things or can't make all the pieces fit together sometimes. We will be calling the neurology clinic on Monday to schedule an MRI and consultation. We are acutely aware that he can not be left alone (even for short periods of time) now. The pain medication is making him fairly comfortable during the day, but at night he has a lot of trouble sleeping (restless, nervous, frightened and uncomfortable). His new hospital bed is helpful in allowing him to change positions and to assist him in getting out of bed. We are still hoping he will be able to shoot his bow in the Utah Summer Games later this month, but we'll have to take things one day at a time and see if he is up to that. He is talking about selling his woodworking tools and buying a better computer to facilitate his writing. I don't want him to rush into anything, but I don't think it is safe for him to be operating the power tools now. We will keep everyone posted on his condition. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Love. Mom